blockquote, q and cite are used for quotations. blockquote is block-line and used for large citations, whereas q is in-line and used for smaller phrases. cite is also in-line and preferable to q for its semantic nature and possible future deprecation of q.Again, the title attribute can be used to show where the citation has come from.
Note: q does not usually change the appearance of the enclosed text - you need to use CSS if you want to apply a style.
For example:
<p>So I asked Bob about quotations and he said <cite>I know as much about quotations as I do about pigeon fancying</cite>. Luckily, I found design my webpage and it said...</p>
<blockquote title="From http://designmywebpage.blogspot.com">
<p>blockquote, q and cite are used for quotations. blockquote is block-line and used for large or citations, whereas q is in-line and used for smaller phrases. cite is also in-line and preferable to q for its semantic nature and possible future deprecation of q.</p>
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